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How Do I Know When There Is A Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting?

Citizen Advisory Committees are composed of members who have volunteered their time, talents, and knowledge to help strengthen educational programs. Members are appointed by the School Board, who issues a public announcement and determines the process for receiving applications and/or letters of interest from citizens to serve on citizen advisory committees. Members have already been selected for the 2024-2025 school year.

The following Citizen Advisory Committees are established by the Suffolk School Board: the Gifted Education Advisory CommitteeSchool Health Advisory BoardSchool Safety Audit CommitteeParent Advisory CouncilCareer and Technical Education Advisory Council, and the Local Advisory Committee for Special EducationTo learn more about each committee, visit

 Suffolk Public Schools will give notice of the date, time and location of Citizen Advisory Committee meetings by:

  • Posting such notice on the Suffolk Public Schools division website page and calendar

  • Placing such notice on the Suffolk Public Schools e-Flyer board (Peach Jar) and the official division Facebook page event notices

  • Placing such notice at the office of the School Board Clerk

All information will be posted no later than the 28th day of the month prior. Any changes to meeting dates, times or locations will be made at least three working days prior to the meeting date.