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Important Email To Parents From SPS Technology

What's Happening?

Suffolk Public Schools Technology will be sending an email to all parents and guardians of students, excluding current 6th and 11th-grade students. This email will contain a link to PowerSchool Enrollment, providing you with an opportunity to update crucial contact information associated with your child.

What Information Can You Update?
You will have the chance to review and update details such as your address, phone number, email address, and emergency contact information for your student. Ensuring this information is accurate and up-to-date is vital for effective communication and ensuring your child's safety while at school.

For Current 6th and 11th Grade Parents and Guardians: 
Please note that parents and guardians of current 6th and 11th-grade students will not receive this email at this time. Instead, they will be requested to update student contact information after the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year. Additionally, they will be asked to provide required immunization data during this update period.

Stay Tuned:
We encourage all parents and guardians to be on the lookout for the forthcoming email from Suffolk Public Schools Technology. Your prompt attention to updating this information is greatly appreciated.

Need Assistance? 
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school.