Grades: 6-8
Mascot: Hawks
Colors: Navy Blue and Silver
Accreditation: Fully Accredited
Col. Fred Cherry Middle School opened its doors to students and staff in the Fall of 2018. CFCMS serves students grades 6 through 8 with approximately 725 students. By design, CFCMS features open classrooms and flexible learning areas in each grade level wing. The innovative flexible learning areas promote collaboration and school community learning.
Col. Fred Cherry Middle School is named after an Air Force fighter pilot, whose plane was downed by enemy fire in 1965 during the Vietnam War. Cherry was the first and highest ranking black U.S. officer held as a prisoner of war. Porter Halyburton, a young Navy flier, was a white southerner thrown in as Cherry’s cellmate. Their captors hoped close quarters would inflame American-bred racial tensions and break both men. Instead, American integrity and honor flourished, and as Cherry was nursed back to health, a friendship grew strong. After seven years as a prisoner of war, Cherry was released from captivity in 1973.
Click here to view a special presentation about the life of Col. Fred Van Cherry.