Clubs and Organizations
  • Meeting dates and locations are subject to change. Please check the daily announcement slideshow on the home page of the NRHS website for dates and times.


    Beta Club – Mrs. Blyth & Mrs. Silvio, Sponsors
    National scholastic and service organization. Students in 10-12th grade are invited to join. You must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher to be invited. Meets on Thursdays after school.

    DECA – Ms. Credle, Sponsor
    Enhances school Marketing education and Education for Employment curriculum and offers competitions, guest speakers, and community service with a marketing theme. Meetings take place during Marketing Education class. Students must be enrolled in Marketing or Education for Employment classes in order to participate. Dues are $30.00

    Dungeons and Dragons - Mr. Nowak, Sponsor
    Meets every Friday from 3:00 to 4:30 in the media center.

    Gaming Club – Ms. Kemp, Sponsor
    Students interested in online video games get together to discuss different programs and compete with each other in video game teams. Provides a chance for students to meet other students face to face with similar interests. Meets Tues or Thursday determined by other clubs conflicting from 3:15 – 4:45 pm

    FCCLA (Family and Career Community Leaders of America) – Ms. Melton, Sponsor
    Offers in and out-of-school community service experiences, competitions, and plenty of fun. Open to all who have had a class of any type in FACS. Application and Permission Slip are required for participation. Meetings will be during class time.

    FFA - Ms. Joyner, Sponsor
    Future Farmers of America makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Students must be enrolled in an agriculture class to be a member.  Meetings will be announced. Please check website announcements for information.

    Ladies of Distinction – Ms. Credle, Sponsor
    Character development and character education for young women. Interested females must apply and attend an interest meeting. Meets first Tuesday of every month.

    National Honor Society – Ms. Kershashy, Sponsor
    Prestigious honor and service organization. Must have a 3.7 GPA or higher and be in grades 10-12. Meets the second Thursday of each month.

    Pickleball Club - Mr. Frye, Sponsor
    Come out and join in on the fastest growing sport at Nansemond River and in the United States!! Come learn the basic rules and techniques to be a life-long participant!
    Email if interested. Permission form must be signed and approved before participation. Meetings will be announced. Please check website announcements for information.

    Ping Pong Club - Mr. Bartholomew, Sponsor
    Meetings will be announced. Please check website announcements for information.

    Prom Committee - Ms. McElroy and Ms. Jones, Co-Sponsors
    Select seniors will meet. Meetings will be announced. Please check website announcements for information.

    Queers and Allies - Ms. Willet and Ms. Clark-Francis, Co-Sponsors

    The Q & A club creates space for supporting, organizing, and community building so that trans and queer youth have what they need to be able stay in school, become leaders who can advocate for themselves and their needs, and organize in coalition with other youth and community groups to fight for racial and gender justice. The club is open to anyone who is willing to promote tolerance and acceptance throughout the school community and to provide a safe, non-judgmental space as a support network for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight youth who share a common vision of social equality. Meetings every other Tuesday.

    SCA – Ms. Dudzenski, Sponsor
    Work with the school leadership team to promote the mission of NRHS. Any NRHS student may participate. Meetings are every other week and scheduled by SCA students.

    Youth for Christ - Mr. Sood, Sponsor
    Meetings are every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.


    Scholastic Bowl – Ms. Griffin, Sponsor
    Students compete against other area schools in a fast-paced academic trivia game. By selection only; must meet VHSL eligibility requirements for participation and be selected after a tryout. Practice Mondays - Thursdays 3:15 - 4:30 pm; matches on Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm.

    Performing Arts Company – Ms. Willet, Sponsor

    All things theatre. Meets every other Tuesday unless you are involved in a show, then the rehearsal schedule varies. 

    Yearbook – Ms. Romero, Sponsor
    Members produce the NRHS yearbook and a monthly newsletter. You must be enrolled in journalism to participate.