• Unless otherwise advertised, the public meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. and are held in the City Council Chambers, (located at City Hall, 442 W. Washington Street, 1st floor). The School Board is scheduled to meet on the second Thursday of each month unless modified by board vote. Scroll down to find a list of meeting dates.

    - EARLY APPEARANCES - Persons interested in addressing the School Board on topics included on the agenda for that month's meeting, must notify the Clerk of the Board by completing the  Request To Speak Before Suffolk City Board form no later than 12:00 p.m. the day before the Board meeting. If that deadline is missed, the speaker will be allowed to speak under “Late Appearances”. Speakers may provide copies of their remarks or other information for Board members.

    - Persons interested in addressing the School Board on non-agenda topics, must notify the Clerk of the Board by completing the Request To Speak Before Suffolk City Board form  no later than 12:00 p.m. the day of the Board meeting. Speakers may provide copies of their remarks or other information for Board members.

    According to Robert's Rules of Order, the School Board Chair has the authority to set the parameters of all school board meetings.

    **The Suffolk School Board would like prior information on their business partners and stakeholders in order to determine the most appropriate person to follow-up with our speakers. Please complete the Request To Speak Before Suffolk City School Board form and email it to School Board Clerk, Tarshia Gardner at tarshiagardner@spsk12.net.

    **Clerk of the Board:  Ms. Tarshia L. Gardner**
    Phone:  (757) 925-6752
    Email:  TarshiaGardner@spsk12.net

    Regular School Board Meeting Dates

    July 11, 2024 *Jan. 16, 2025
    Aug. 8, 2024 Feb. 13, 2025
    Sept. 12, 2024 Mar. 13, 2025
    Oct. 10, 2024 Apr. 10, 2025
    Nov. 14, 2024 May 8, 2025
    Dec. 12, 2024 June 12, 2025

                                                                                                                   * indicates there has been a change in the meeting date, time and/or location.

    School Board meetings are streamed live and published on our SPS YouTube channel.

    Electronic Meetings Public Comment Form...
    This public comment form is required by the Virginia Code Section 2.2-3708.2(D)(6) when a School Board conducts a meeting via electronic means and electronic participation is involved.