Share Your Scholarship ... If your community group has a scholarship suitable for the Scholarship Hub, please send information by email to communityengagement@spsk12.net.
NOTE: Suffolk Public Schools does not endorse any scholarship program listed on Scholarship Hub. High school guidance counselors will continue to distribute scholarships, including those linked to specific colleges, athletic opportunities and other focused awards, not listed on the Hub.
Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. (IWLA) Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Amount: $1,000 (2)
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/42GNtIP
Category: Graduating Seniors studying subjects related to conservation and wildlife
Status: Active
Summary: This document is to affirm the establishment of the Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter, Izaak Walton League of America, Inc.
(IWLA) Scholarship. The Chapter’s objective is to assist in the education of a student’s career in areas related to the goals of
the IWLA, dedicated to the protection and restoration of America’s soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. -
PIT Student-Athlete Scholarship
Deadline: March 7, 2025
Amount: $4,000
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/4juAvDZ
Category: Graduating Seniors - Student Athlete
Status: Active
Summary: The Portsmouth Invitational Tournament is pleased to announce the annual PIT Student-Athlete Scholarship Program. Scholarships of $4,000 will be awarded to a student-athlete from each of the Southside Hampton Roads cities, including: Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach.
The Mythics, LLC Scholarship
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Amount: $1,500 (6)
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/40F7Mnw
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: The Mythics, LLC Scholarship was created to give min s the opportunity to begin their college educations. The company fosters continued growth and learning in a professional setting and
has a strong belief that higher education should be accessible to all. Mythics, LLC intends to award (6) $1,500 scholarships. The selected applicants will be notified of the award decision by May 31, 2025. -
VSI Scholarship Program
Deadline: May 1, 2025
Amount: Varies
Link to Scholarship Information: https://webportalapp.com/appform/login/2025virginiasheriffinstitute
Category: Graduating Seniors with Criminal Justice majors
Status: Active
Summary: The Virginia Sheriffs’ Scholarship program was established to provide an opportunity for people across Virginia to pursue an education in criminal justice. Accordingly, the Board of Directors has established the application process for students to receive scholarships to assist in their educational endeavors. The scholarships are available only to students in jurisdictions where sheriffs participated in scholarship fundraising efforts. This program is limited to students attending Virginia colleges and universities.
Willis-Volper Scholarships
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Amount: $5,000 (4)
Link to Scholarship Information: https://www.suffolkpresbyterian.org/post/2025-willis-volper-scholarships
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: The Scholarship Committee of Suffolk Presbyterian Church USA welcomes applicants the opportunity to be awarded one of four Willis-Volper Scholarships in the amount of
$5,000 ($2,500 per year for two years of successful study). -
Exchange Club of Suffolk Scholarship
Deadline: April 18, 2025
Amount: $700
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/4g2xLLa
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: Please find attached the application for the 2025 Exchange Club of Suffolk Scholarship in the amount of $700.00. The deadline for return is April 18, 2025. All parts of the form must be filled out as requested and all information asked for must be included.
Lou Sawyer Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: March 17, 2025
Amount: $500 to $1,000
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/3WohJEa
Category: Graduating Seniors with focus of study in voice, instrumental music, or music education.
Status: Active
Summary: Thank you for your interest in applying for the Virginia Beach Chorale Lou Sawyer Memorial Scholarship. Mr. Sawyer was a moving force behind music programs in the Virginia Beach School System for many years. We are pleased that his influence in the education of students will continue, made possible by the contributions of his many friends who performed with him or enjoyed the performances of his beloved Virginia Beach Chorale.
In lieu of an in-person audition, you will be required to attach a headshot, short biography and a recording of a prepared piece in your application submission. The scholarship winner will be selected and announced by April 15, 2023.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarships
Deadline: Varies
Amount: Varies
Link to Scholarship Information: https://horatioalger.org/scholarships-and-services/undergraduate-scholarships/
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: Horatio Alger Association administers over 70 scholarship programs, offering opportunities for students in various stages of their academic careers to achieve their educational goals and realize their potential.
Hampton Roads Community Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Amount: Varies
Link to Scholarship Information: https://hamptonroadscf.org/scholarships/undergraduate-scholarships/available-undergraduate-scholarships
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: The Hampton Roads Community Foundation is accepting applications for 2025-2026 college scholarships. Scholarships require financial need and are renewable unless otherwise noted. Students may visit our website at https://hamptonroadscf.org/
scholarships to view the list of scholarships and follow the steps for applying through our online application. Applications are due on March 1, 2025. -
Suffolk Master Gardeners’ Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Amount: $ 1,000
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/4a9Mh2g
Category: Graduating Seniors pursuing degrees in Horticultural resources and related studies
Status: Active
Summary: The Suffolk Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) Master Gardeners will award one $1000 scholarship to help support the education of future horticultural leaders by supporting a graduate of a Suffolk Public High School or home school with residence in Suffolk, pursuing a degree in horticultural resources and related studies. The funding is made possible and fully funded by the Suffolk Master Gardener Association.
Alpha Phi Lambda Chapter Scholarship
Deadline: April 7, 2025
Amount: $ 20,000
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/426ylE8
Category: African American Male Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: The G.W.C. Brown Legacy Education Fund in conjunction with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, Alpha Phi Lambda (APL) Chapter will award a $20,000.00 scholarship to an African-American male high school senior attending high school in Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk or Virginia Beach or an active member of APL’s Alpha Scholars Program. The scholarship award is based on the
individual who displays achievement in academics, school, religious, and community activities and a demonstrated ability toward leadership and achievement. -
Kappa Alpha Psi Scholarship
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Amount: $ 1,000
Link to Scholarship Information: https://www.kappaalphapsiportsmouth-suffolk.org/awardapp
Category: Graduating Minority Male Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: To enhance the prospects of educational growth opportunities of young minority men about to enter college, who
have demonstrated achievement in their high school endeavors. A one-time $1000.00 scholarship will be
awarded to each selected applicant upon proof of college enrollment, i.e: receipt of payment, class schedule,
ect….. -
George S. "Big City" Green Scholarship
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Amount: $ 1,500
Link to Scholarship Information: https://bit.ly/40kGB0O
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: The amount of the award is $1,500.00. The Tidewater Chapter commits itself to a one (1) year agreement with the chosen recipient. The scholarship is limited to enrolled students for the 2025-2026 academic year selected by the Tidewater Chapter and the amount shall not be more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per semester. The scholarship award shall be made in either the fall or spring semester or both of the academic semesters of eligibility.
Hampton Roads Realtors Foundation Scholarships
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Amount: $500 (3)
Link to Scholarship Information: https://www.hrrafoundation.com/scholarships
Category: Graduating Seniors
Status: Active
Summary: This is a $500 one-time, nonrenewable, and nontransferable scholarship provided by The Hampton Roads REALTORS® Foundation. This scholarship only applies to the 60-hour Pre-License Principles of Real Estate Class and required textbooks through Alpha College of Real Estate. Alpha College of Real Estate is an educational provider only. The recipient of this award is fully responsible for all other requirements of the Real Estate Board for licensure.
John R. Taylor Scholarship
Deadline: April 12, 2025
Amount: $575
Link to Scholarship Information: https://www.suffolkartleague.com/scholarships.html
Category: Students entering grades 6-12 who are interested in Visual Arts
Status: Active
Summary: The John R. Taylor, Jr. Memorial Student Scholarship is available to students who live in or attend school in Suffolk. Students must be entering grades 6 through 12 in the 2025-2026 school year to be eligible for the Scholarship. This is not a college scholarship.