Preschool Opportunities

  • Early Start

    Early Start/VPI (Virginia Preschool Initiative) is a FREE, full-day preschool program for children who turn 4 years old by September 30, 2025, and need an extra year to prepare for success in kindergarten.  

    This program is designed to reduce disparities among young children upon formal school entry and to reduce or eliminate risk factors that lead to early academic failure.  Acceptance into the program is determined by eligibility criteria, not on a first-come, first-served basis. 

    The application for the 2025-2026 school year will open on February 10, 2025.



    Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is a classroom for preschool students found eligible for Special Education services.  ECSE offers specially designed instruction (SDI) to meet the needs of each student of preschool age.  This can include related services such as speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.  Services provided and SDI is based on each student's particular needs and addressed accordingly within their individual education plan (IEP).  

    Role Model Program

    This is a “reverse inclusion model” in the ECSE classroom.  In this setting, typically-developing children (ages 3 and 4) apply and if accepted to the program, provide a way for children with disabilities to see behavior modeled by same age-range peers without disabilities.