Chromebook surplus addendum 1
Chromebook surplus addendum 2
Listed below are Current Procurements for Suffolk Public Schools Purchasing Department. In addition, all procurements are posted on the bid board at the School Administrative Offices. Closing time for all bids and proposals is 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Please note that electronic submissions will only be received electronically through the EVA PORTAL. If EVA allows for electronic submission, you may do so. Vendors must be a registered member of EVA (free to register) to use electronic submission. If you have issues in submitting your proposal/bid or need assistance in registering with EVA, please contact EVA customer care at 1-866-289-7367.
Electronic submission instructions found here: Online submission instructions RFP
Online submission instructions - bids
Supplier training videos including how to instructions on submitting solicitation responses
Free EVA registration found here: EVA registration page